1.   BFor businesses struggling to get some attention, the census data will help.

2.   This data helps the zoo provide the best environment possible for the animal and to accommodate all of its specific needs.

3.   Economic data released Friday helped confirm a view that the economy is slowing.

4.   In addition, they said, the data should help improve long-term weather and climate forecasting, and should help in understanding the workings of severe storms.

5.   Most examples that he and others cited, however, show how earth science data might help in understanding such events after the fact.

6.   Preference data can help companies learn things about their customers that they could never learn otherwise, Metral says.

7.   Seismic data help technicians determine the well pressure as they drill.

8.   Such advance data could also help banks better forecast the direction of interest rates.

9.   Such data could also help authorities keep track of suspects who are released if they are involved in future terrorist attacks.

n. + help >>共 1529
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datum + v. >>共 404
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