1.   Inside, these dwellings were dark like caves.

2.   Heart-shaped rocks, some pale gray, others dark like granite, nestle on another bed of moss.

3.   She noticed a raised white area around the black bite, and an angry-looking red splotch that had begun to turn dark like a bruise.

4.   She is dark like us.

a. + like >>共 601
just 4.62%
dressed 3.94%
a_little_bit 2.79%
sound 2.02%
much 1.63%
open 1.15%
stacked 1.15%
all 0.87%
shaped 0.87%
pretty 0.77%
dark 0.38%
dark + p. >>共 43
as 15.16%
for 13.72%
in 11.91%
with 8.66%
by 6.86%
outside 5.78%
at 4.69%
on 3.97%
except_for 3.25%
inside 2.53%
like 1.44%
每页显示:    共 4