1.   At the Bostonian Hotel, she and chef Jasper White began a daring move away from French cuisine and toward a new American culinary model.

2.   A daring move, indeed.

3.   But in a yachting competition, racing chicanery often creates daring moves on the straightaway and logjams rounding the marks.

4.   Even Moscow commentators who praised that daring move in Kosovo see a need to sober up.

5.   From a marketing standpoint, this was a daring move, and for that, Galliano deserves credit.

6.   In a daring move last November, Trimble persuaded his party to enter a government with Sinn Fein, even though there had been no weapons turnover.

7.   It was a daring move, but both he and Pearl Jam saw their album sales and popularity plummet.

8.   On the program side, Fox is making a daring move to draw in an older audience.

9.   Peacekeeping officials had already endorsed one daring move by Mrs. Plavsic.

10.   So, maybe they sign George and try to save the future with one daring move.

a. + move >>共 741
such 12.71%
next 5.16%
first 3.04%
similar 2.58%
latest 2.35%
unusual 1.93%
bold 1.49%
good 1.41%
major 1.34%
right 1.28%
daring 0.17%
daring + n. >>共 303
escape 4.95%
rescue 4.42%
move 3.53%
raid 3.36%
attack 3.00%
daylight 1.77%
ambush 1.24%
plan 1.06%
feat 1.06%
act 0.88%
每页显示:    共 20