1.   AMEC will repair the damaged section and complete the structural improvements to both wedges one and two.

2.   A more permanent repair can be made by replacing the damaged section with a metal hose mender.

3.   Instead cut out the damaged section and create two shorter cords by adding a socket on one piece and a plug on the other.

4.   Instead the damaged section can be cut loose and replaced with a new piece.

5.   Ohio Lt. Gov. Nancy Hollister, who grew up on the river, toured damaged sections of the state Tuesday and Wednesday.

6.   Place this piece on top of the damaged section and move it around until its grain pattern lines up with that of the veneer under it.

7.   Place it directly over the damaged section in the floor, and adjust it so the patterns of the two match.

8.   Pry out the damaged section with a putty knife.

9.   Position this on top of the damaged section of veneer, moving it around until its grain pattern matches the veneer under it.

10.   That tells your computer not to store data in the damaged sections.

a. + section >>共 1257
interior 4.15%
first 3.84%
large 3.72%
special 2.83%
northern 2.06%
eastern 2.00%
western 1.99%
southern 1.71%
new 1.71%
small 1.66%
damaged 0.50%
damaged + n. >>共 601
building 5.37%
area 3.88%
home 3.07%
goods 2.94%
house 2.52%
car 2.30%
heart 1.71%
module 1.54%
vehicle 1.45%
knee 1.41%
section 1.24%
每页显示:    共 29