1.   All sunscreens work because they contain ingredients which either absorb or reflect UV rays before they harm and damage the skin.

2.   Strong sunlight can damage your skin.

3.   The sun can damage your skin.

4.   Women sometimes damage their skin by going overboard with abrasive cleansers.

5.   When the skin is damaged other infections can take hold more easily.

6.   When your skin becomes damaged by sunburn it loses heat and moisture more easily and when it is extensive then sunstroke follows when someone is dehydrated and lacking salt.

7.   Apart from working quickly, it seems to have no side effects because it targets only damaged skin, doctors say.

8.   But lasers work by burning tissue and can damage surrounding skin.

9.   But Texas, where sun exposure can damage skin, is in the top five cosmetic-surgery states.

v. + skin >>共 390
remove 7.45%
have 6.71%
protect 3.29%
penetrate 2.01%
discard 1.95%
wear 1.95%
burn 1.88%
use 1.74%
break 1.74%
leave 1.48%
damage 1.01%
damage + n. >>共 1108
building 5.74%
car 5.21%
house 4.17%
home 3.08%
vehicle 3.03%
crop 2.36%
relation 2.00%
reputation 1.65%
environment 1.65%
property 1.58%
skin 0.23%
每页显示:    共 15