1.   It has also increased populations of insect pests, which are damaging forests.

2.   The ecologically conscious Rainbows hotly dispute claims that they damage the forest.

3.   They contend that the planned projects will seriously damage the forests and that exporting whole logs would do relatively little to create jobs and help the Russian economy.

4.   At the time it was claimed that the tree might contain a microscopic worm endemic to America, which could damage forests.

5.   However, he said, if the resolution runs counter to public opinion and damages the forest, it might be opposed by other groups.

6.   In some cases, people have damaged forests to build elaborate cemeteries.

7.   They say the tribal villagers who live in Doi Inthanon National Park have damaged watershed forests causing droughts in neighbouring districts.

8.   Usually, mangrove forests are damaged in the areas where shrimp ponds belong to outside interests whose owners generally live in cities.

9.   The management of the chemical pulp factory on Monday denied that it is damaging the forests.

v. + forest >>共 258
protect 5.08%
preserve 3.93%
clear 3.68%
see 3.55%
destroy 3.30%
burn 2.79%
save 2.66%
manage 2.54%
enter 1.65%
leave 1.52%
damage 1.14%
damage + n. >>共 1108
building 5.74%
car 5.21%
house 4.17%
home 3.08%
vehicle 3.03%
crop 2.36%
relation 2.00%
reputation 1.65%
environment 1.65%
property 1.58%
forest 0.14%
每页显示:    共 9