1.   The company rehearsed Thursdays and Fridays for two shows daily except Tuesdays.

2.   Also serving lunch daily except Monday.

3.   Lunch daily except Saturday, dinner every night.

4.   Lunch and dinner daily except Sunday.

5.   The Grand Dining Room at the Windsor offers specialties such as blackened catfish and cote de veau amaretto, open for three meals daily except Sunday night.

6.   Thursdays-Saturdays in September, daily except Sundays in October.

7.   The one-way ruling will be on for one to two hours daily except on public holidays, he said after chairing the traffic committee meeting.

a. + except >>共 166
cloudy 5.04%
daily 2.94%
illegal 2.94%
sunny 2.52%
inaccessible 2.10%
clear 1.68%
available 1.68%
normal 1.68%
open 1.68%
harmless 1.26%
daily + p. >>共 41
in 16.19%
for 15.48%
on 10.68%
with 6.05%
from 5.52%
to 5.52%
as 4.98%
at 4.27%
since 3.74%
by 3.56%
except 1.25%
每页显示:    共 7