1.   By corollary monetary policies which are geared to stabilizing the rate of growth of the money supply will eliminate the cyclical fluctuation in unemployment.

2.   In this type of study, trend values of consumption and income are collected over a long period of time so that most cyclical fluctuations are smoothed out.

3.   Why do economies experience cyclical fluctuations?

4.   But suppose that c and v took on values consistent with damped cycles, how then could we explain the observed regularity of cyclical fluctuations?

a. + fluctuation >>共 145
wild 9.39%
sharp 7.36%
wide 5.84%
recent 4.31%
seasonal 3.55%
short-term 3.05%
daily 2.79%
normal 2.54%
economic 2.03%
natural 1.78%
cyclical 1.02%
cyclical + n. >>共 159
stock 31.66%
company 7.61%
nature 5.40%
business 4.54%
issue 4.17%
share 3.68%
industry 3.44%
downturn 2.82%
swing 1.35%
slowdown 1.23%
fluctuation 0.49%
每页显示:    共 4