1.   Additionally, there are occasional examples of cycle lanes being carried in streets against the flow of one-way traffic systems.

2.   Cars are not allowed in the cycle lanes.

3.   Encouraging local councils, assisted by a special budget we have set aside, to introduce pedestrian priority areas and cycle lanes.

4.   Could I suggest that cycle lanes be incorporated into the wide stretch of the Lanark Road between Gillespie and Inglis Green?

5.   Small matter than many cities in northern Europe already had cycle lanes, Paris would trumpet its pioneering achievement to all who would listen.

6.   The belated introduction of cycle lanes in Paris looked like a good, even necessary, idea at the time.

7.   Elsewhere the route will be on minor roads and designated cycle lanes through towns and cities.

n. + lane >>共 145
sea 11.84%
memory 9.70%
victory 9.32%
country 8.06%
pit 8.06%
traffic 4.03%
bike 3.40%
bus 3.02%
center 2.64%
turn 1.51%
cycle 0.88%
cycle + n. >>共 125
designator 6.47%
path 5.76%
race 5.04%
ride 2.88%
lane 2.52%
rickshaw 2.52%
time 2.52%
track 2.52%
route 2.16%
song 1.80%
每页显示:    共 7