1.   His landing was cushioned by the fresh snow that had fallen.

2.   Amid the balloons are anvils, and when they fall, if all goes well, Baloney will be in the way to cushion its landing.

3.   After the craft deflates the airbags that cushion its landing, finds the sun and orients itself, it should begin beaming pictures back to Earth.

4.   After Pathfinder landed on Friday, pictures revealed that a deflated air bag, one of several used to cushion the landing, was bunched up near the rover.

5.   Their landing has been cushioned by an economy as supportive as a trampoline.

6.   One minute before hitting ground, a giant parachute deployed and then just seconds from Earth, another jet fired to cushion the landing.

7.   Air bags then will inflate to cushion the landing.

v. + landing >>共 145
make 10.05%
abort 7.79%
attempt 5.78%
reach 3.27%
prevent 2.76%
practice 2.01%
delay 1.76%
cushion 1.76%
allow 1.76%
have 1.76%
cushion + n. >>共 126
blow 17.62%
impact 15.72%
fall 8.13%
effect 5.96%
decline 2.44%
landing 1.90%
economy 1.90%
shock 1.90%
loss 1.36%
drop 1.08%
每页显示:    共 7