1.   A change in supply is involved when the entire supply curve shifts.

2.   If the demand curve shifts very much, and if it is inelastic, then monetary control will be very difficult.

3.   When the price level falls, we have seen that the LM curve shifts to the right.

v. + shift >>共 349
work 5.41%
reflect 4.88%
make 4.13%
mark 3.46%
see 3.16%
signal 2.63%
represent 2.48%
take 2.33%
cause 2.10%
miss 1.50%
curve 0.30%
curve + n. >>共 67
lip 6.80%
ball 4.85%
mouth 3.88%
shift 3.88%
spine 3.88%
blade 2.91%
neck 2.91%
surface 2.91%
wall 2.91%
counter 1.94%
每页显示:    共 4