1.   All organisations will make the distinction between capital and revenue or current expenditure.

2.   Do major infrastructure investments count as current expenditures?

3.   In general terms, capital expenditure will commit future current expenditure.

4.   Is current expenditure well spent and does it produce services of an appropriate quality?

5.   Pay constitutes two-thirds of all current expenditure.

6.   Total expenditure on the scheme should not exceed current expenditure on allowances.

7.   We will consider these three sources in the ascending order of their importance in supporting current expenditure.

8.   As in the previous budget, defence and debt servicing accounted for a large percentage of planned current expenditure.

9.   Current expenditure was to be curtailed -- involving, among other things a scaling down of the civil service.

10.   Moreover, nearly all current expenditures are aimed at laboratory research, not human trials of candidate vaccines.

a. + expenditure >>共 249
public 12.50%
military 4.13%
independent 3.91%
state 3.37%
total 2.72%
large 2.17%
federal 2.07%
advertising 2.07%
additional 1.74%
unnecessary 1.63%
current 1.63%
current + n. >>共 1075
law 3.14%
system 3.03%
crisis 2.26%
situation 2.02%
level 1.95%
government 1.32%
president 1.07%
issue 1.04%
price 0.97%
problem 0.96%
expenditure 0.04%
每页显示:    共 15