1.   But the currency traders will not be forgotten.

2.   Among several recent encouraging signs for South Korea, international currency trader George Soros said this week he is considering making major investments there.

3.   Americans will soon find out as currency traders and the president engage in a fundamental test of wills over whose assessment is correct.

4.   And few currency traders wheel and deal with the panache of Lewis.

5.   And absent any coordinated action, currency traders expect those fundamentals will continue to attract investors to the dollar.

6.   And last month in Hong Kong, T.S. Cheah, a currency trader, joined Union Bank of Switzerland.

7.   Another believer is Yasuji Yamanaka, a vice president and currency trader at Bank of America in Tokyo.

8.   Anwar favored the remedies of the International Monetary Fund, while Mahathir inveighed against foreign currency traders.

9.   At that time, currency traders looked at fading hopes for lower U.S. rates, which dragged down U.S. securities, as a reason to boost the dollar.

10.   At stake is the competitiveness of economies inside and outside Europe plus the fortunes of currency traders who profit from volatility.

n. + trader >>共 231
currency 24.31%
bond 11.98%
day 8.69%
energy 4.76%
oil 4.42%
future 3.63%
market 3.00%
commodity 2.70%
rogue 2.36%
slave 1.52%
currency + n. >>共 555
market 12.93%
crisis 8.36%
dealing 6.95%
trader 5.95%
fluctuation 3.43%
board 2.99%
devaluation 2.79%
turmoil 2.56%
union 2.21%
speculator 1.80%
每页显示:    共 492