1.   Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance.

2.   Rafsanjani has been considering various ways of introducing some sanity into the currency market.

3.   ...the gyrations of the currency markets.

4.   A foreign currency market would be established and foreign investment encouraged.

5.   In return for a freer hand in the currency market private dealers were expected to play a more active role in industrial investment.

6.   Currency market is established with a view to making rouble convertible.

7.   Another area of the operation had involved laundering profits through the illegal currency market in Russia, as well as trade in east European arms.

8.   Following the dramatic upheavals of currency markets within Europe in September, there was comparative stability in October.

9.   The market has grown rapidly since its inception, to a size comparable to or in excess of domestic currency markets.

10.   The foreign currencies market.

n. + market >>共 507
bond 12.43%
world 5.98%
currency 4.32%
labor 4.29%
capital 3.09%
job 3.07%
future 2.98%
bull 2.92%
equity 2.70%
export 2.24%
currency + n. >>共 555
market 12.93%
crisis 8.36%
dealing 6.95%
trader 5.95%
fluctuation 3.43%
board 2.99%
devaluation 2.79%
turmoil 2.56%
union 2.21%
speculator 1.80%
每页显示:    共 1069