1.   Such mistrust is likely to linger long after the currency is circulating, prompting many to cast serious doubts on rosy predictions of a truly unified Europe.

2.   The volume of money is substantial for most European countries, but particularly for Germany because its trusted currency circulates widely in Europe.

3.   Four currencies have circulated in the country for years.

4.   Four different currencies were circulating around the country and the new one was supposed to replace them.

5.   Both currencies will circulate legally for two weeks.

6.   Many countries will allow outgoing currencies to circulate along with euros for about two months, but many consumers have said they preferred a shorter timespan.

7.   Many countries will allow outgoing currencies to circulate along with euros for about two months, but many consumers have said they preferred a shorter time-span.

8.   The Bank of England expects the single currency to circulate widely in Northern Ireland, a province of the United Kingdom, which has not adopted the euro.

9.   The anchor currency may also circulate in the country but people are not obliged to accept it.

10.   The currency would circulate alongside the dollar and peso, but it would not be convertible.

n. + circulate >>共 293
rumor 18.46%
air 7.81%
report 5.27%
rumour 3.80%
story 2.43%
petition 1.69%
blood 1.48%
money 1.37%
proposal 1.27%
police 1.27%
currency 1.05%
currency + v. >>共 352
be 17.03%
make 6.26%
fall 4.99%
rise 4.06%
weaken 2.46%
continue 2.08%
remain 1.92%
plunge 1.82%
trade 1.60%
lose 1.53%
circulate 0.32%
每页显示:    共 10