1.   Once I had completed these to my liking -- mistakes were erased by scratching up the soil surface -- I redrew the figures with curly cress seeds.

2.   Serve with mushrooms and a few leaves of curly cress or other greens.

3.   The rows of greens include lettuces familiar from European cuisines, but also Asian greens like mizuna, curly cress and tatsoi.

4.   Tiny sprouts, edible chrysanthemums, curly cress and kale are arrayed on a pinwheel of asparagus.

a. + cress >>共 13
curly 21.05%
chopped 10.53%
grown 10.53%
peppery 10.53%
bulbous 5.26%
crunchy 5.26%
exporting 5.26%
hoary 5.26%
japanese 5.26%
natural 5.26%
curly + n. >>共 61
hair 62.28%
lock 4.63%
leaf 2.49%
endive 2.49%
fry 1.78%
parsley 1.78%
cress 1.42%
tail 1.42%
wig 1.42%
eyelash 1.07%
每页显示:    共 4