1.   A little arsenic can cure disorders of the stomach, but given in regular small doses becomes a poison.

2.   Although antidepressants have not been shown to cure the disorder, they have proved to be helpful in related syndromes in which depression is a component.

3.   In three, the disorder was cured with talk therapy alone, without antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs.

4.   Treatment hearkens to the Middle Ages, when physicians used leaches to let blood to cure every disorder from headaches to hallucinations.

5.   Recovering the memories can cure the disorders.

v. + disorder >>共 158
treat 14.13%
cause 10.28%
have 7.28%
control 3.43%
create 3.43%
call 2.78%
prevent 2.57%
develop 2.36%
suffer 1.93%
link 1.71%
cure 1.07%
cure + n. >>共 253
disease 13.43%
cancer 8.18%
problem 7.54%
illness 3.71%
ill 3.20%
ailment 2.94%
patient 2.17%
infection 2.17%
condition 1.66%
diabetes 1.53%
disorder 0.64%
每页显示:    共 5