1.   Well if they do it again you should say come in and have a cup of tea.

2.   Come and have a cup of coffee and Tony can pick you up and all.

3.   Go ahead, have a cup.

4.   OK, settle back and have another cup of coffee and check on the condition of the tomato plants.

n. + have >>共 127
look 9.05%
way 3.81%
drink 3.33%
chance 2.86%
right 2.38%
cup 1.90%
ability 1.90%
computer 1.90%
go 1.43%
good 1.43%
cup + n. >>共 7
have 40.00%
cricket 10.00%
flour 10.00%
make 10.00%
patient 10.00%
slide 10.00%
time 10.00%
每页显示:    共 4