1.   The cumulative totals for each column are also entered.

2.   The budgeted total outflow of funds per period is entered on the second last line with the cumulative total to date below it.

3.   They report periodically to the centre on their total PONC and on the PONC eliminated so far this year and the cumulative total to date.

4.   The Mexican Stock Exchange issues monthly reports on foreign investment, adding or subtracting to a cumulative total.

5.   A Boeing Co. statement said the Air France order was included in cumulative totals it reported earlier but the buyer was not disclosed at the time.

a. + total >>共 247
grand 6.81%
lowest 3.86%
highest 3.60%
combined 3.08%
final 2.83%
jobless 2.83%
overall 1.93%
official 1.80%
same 1.67%
record 1.41%
cumulative 1.03%
cumulative + n. >>共 149
effect 27.69%
selection 5.13%
impact 4.36%
trauma 2.82%
result 2.05%
total 2.05%
power 1.79%
time 1.79%
experience 1.54%
weight 1.28%
每页显示:    共 8