1.   The culture minister once ran a theatre.

2.   And Tessa Jowell, the culture minister, said she would review the public complaint process against objectionable television shows.

3.   And the Palestinian culture minister decided to introduce Israeli poets to Palestinian students.

4.   Another losing conservative was Ahmed Rasouli-Nejad, a parliamentarian from northern Iran who was among a group of hard-liners who impeached the liberal culture minister last year.

5.   As culture minister, Ludmila Zhivkova sought to open Bulgaria to Western ideas, encouraging modern art and publishing works by authors like Allen Ginsberg and Arthur C. Clarke.

6.   Asked about the future, the culture minister said that a committee had been formed to make recommendations.

7.   CBC News reported Copps, who also is culture minister, will step down.

8.   Despite support from the culture minister and others, Turkey may not be ready.

9.   In May this year, the culture minister, Ataollah Mohajerani, another cleric, narrowly survived impeachment by parliamentary conservatives angry at his failure to control pro-reform newspapers.

10.   In the West, Zakayev, a former Chechen culture minister, is not well known.

n. + minister >>共 183
finance 17.54%
defense 16.27%
government 8.91%
deputy 7.85%
justice 4.17%
defence 3.91%
trade 3.30%
health 2.58%
oil 2.39%
agriculture 1.94%
culture 1.20%
culture + n. >>共 291
minister 18.80%
clash 12.93%
war 10.15%
ministry 6.52%
icon 1.82%
center 1.60%
dish 1.50%
vulture 1.18%
change 1.07%
gap 0.96%
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