1.   Everyone seemed cool and distracted, uninterested in trade or cultural exchanges.

2.   Guests take advantage of local transportation in order to facilitate cultural exchanges.

3.   New religious ideas and moral codes were made accessible by widescale immigration, cultural exchanges and mass communication.

4.   The Mayors of Tokyo and New York signed an agreement to encourage cultural exchanges between the cities.

5.   The treaties covered bilateral protection and promotion of investments, penal cooperation, cultural exchanges and customs cooperation, officials said.

6.   What did the riots in Watts accomplish?...

7.   Cultural exchange can do much to clear up misunderstandings.

8.   What emerges is the implication that the perceived cultural exchange between these selected texts reveal preoccupations found throughout the whole culture.

9.   Issues discussed included Japanese technological assistance to and investment in Lithuania, education and cultural exchanges.

10.   And planning is already under way for a wide variety of cultural exchanges in sports, the arts, religion, and journalism.

a. + exchange >>共 946
cultural 5.74%
heavy 3.01%
heated 2.50%
brief 2.11%
military 1.88%
european 1.65%
new 1.63%
the 1.45%
first 1.42%
free 1.40%
cultural + n. >>共 1500
center 4.36%
difference 3.59%
exchange 3.07%
institution 2.38%
event 2.27%
heritage 2.26%
identity 1.46%
icon 1.25%
tie 1.23%
diversity 1.20%
每页显示:    共 249