1.   Also worth trying are chilled moisturizer, plain yogurt and cucumber slices placed strategically around the burn site.

2.   Adjust seasoning of soup if necessary, and serve garnished with cucumber slices.

3.   California rolls are a type of futo-maki and are usually filled with cucumber slices, imitation crab and thin slices of avocado.

4.   Cherry tomatoes and cucumber slices tossed in Italian dressing.

5.   Combine cucumber slices with the vinegar dressing, shallot and chiles.

6.   Cucumber slices were put on my eyelids, to keep my eyes from puffing up, the attendant said.

7.   Cut the peppers into small slices, and add them to the chicken and potatoes, along with the cucumber slices.

8.   Garnish with cucumber slices, and set bowl on a bed of cracked ice.

9.   Garnish with cucumber slices.

10.   Garnish with Hot Mango Salsa, curly lettuce, herb sprigs, tomato rose, lemon slices, cucumber slices, as desired.

n. + slice >>共 149
bread 9.47%
lemon 7.32%
tomato 5.60%
onion 5.60%
apple 5.45%
potato 4.45%
cucumber 4.30%
baguette 3.30%
pineapple 3.01%
banana 2.87%
cucumber + n. >>共 57
slice 20.41%
salad 12.93%
sandwich 11.56%
soup 6.80%
mixture 2.72%
beetle 2.04%
flavor 2.04%
piece 2.04%
sauce 2.04%
juice 1.36%
每页显示:    共 30