1.   Instead of being served with potato chips, Cuban sandwiches generally come with small bags of yuca or plantain chips.

2.   More Asian techniques and dishes, as well as Cuban sandwiches, Thai barbecued skewers and more items flavored with curry.

3.   Or prepare the roast ahead and use the meat for classic Cuban sandwiches.

4.   Serve as a table sauce, or on Cuban sandwiches, boiled yuca, seafood or meats or use as a marinade for pork and seafoods.

5.   Think Cuban sandwiches and a Dulce de Leche McFlurry.

a. + sandwich >>共 227
chicken 9.91%
grilled 2.59%
great 2.37%
submarine 1.94%
free 1.51%
toasted 1.51%
plastic 1.51%
mushroom 1.29%
good 1.29%
salmon 1.29%
cuban 1.08%
cuban + n. >>共 890
government 9.23%
exile 7.19%
official 6.62%
leader 4.27%
refugee 3.17%
authority 2.65%
team 2.11%
cigar 1.98%
people 1.70%
airspace 1.69%
sandwich 0.07%
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