1.   Also, the Cuban people are not capable of determining change.

2.   America should instead be following a policy of engaging the Cuban people now with trade, family visits and humanitarian assistance and developing contacts with future political leaders there.

3.   An administration spokesman said much of the assistance the United States aims to provide the Cuban people will be channeled through the Catholic Church and other non-government organizations.

4.   And it will signal the abused and persecuted Cuban people that they have not been forgotten.

5.   A heavy-handed government provides amenities for tourists that the Cuban people can only dream of.

6.   A spokesman for Gore, Tom Rosshirt, said the vice president supported a policy of building contacts with the Cuban people while maintaining economic pressure on the government.

7.   Affixed to the boxes are labels with a message to the Cuban people, though Hernandez declined to be more specific.

8.   After gazing into the eyes of the Cuban people, I have discovered that I see so much of myself.

9.   But her father says it is the only way to end the suffering of his fellow Cuban people.

10.   But he hopes the cultural bond eventually will help bring Cuban people together.

a. + people >>共 764
young 11.76%
american 3.10%
local 2.46%
poor 2.44%
older 2.30%
ordinary 2.18%
elderly 2.02%
homeless 1.50%
black 1.46%
innocent 1.28%
cuban 0.27%
cuban + n. >>共 890
government 9.23%
exile 7.19%
official 6.62%
leader 4.27%
refugee 3.17%
authority 2.65%
team 2.11%
cigar 1.98%
people 1.70%
airspace 1.69%
每页显示:    共 118