1.   And when something, or someone, comes along to challenge their growing and puffing rights, they are generally crushed like so many dried burley leaves.

2.   In the real world if you did that you would be crushed like a bug.

3.   Soon after, life would curdle for both players, innocence would be crushed like an overhead.

4.   They were crushed like aluminum cans in a recycling bin.

5.   Plastic cisterns built to supplement spotty water service were crushed like paper cups.

6.   Some vehicles were crushed like accordions.

a. + like >>共 601
just 4.62%
dressed 3.94%
a_little_bit 2.79%
sound 2.02%
much 1.63%
open 1.15%
stacked 1.15%
all 0.87%
shaped 0.87%
pretty 0.77%
crushed 0.58%
crushed + p. >>共 25
to 45.12%
in 13.02%
under 11.63%
into 3.72%
against 3.26%
between 3.26%
by 3.26%
like 2.79%
with 1.86%
beneath 1.40%
每页显示:    共 6