1.   And teachers unions worry that vouchers would erode already crumbling schools.

2.   As Cortines begins the second year of his chancellorship, he has assumed an often ambiguous relationship with the crumbling school system he heads.

3.   Above all, the Legislature must agree on a program to repair crumbling school buildings and construct new classrooms in districts that are already crowded far beyond capacity.

4.   Despite widespread anxiety about crumbling schools and incompetent teachers, Republicans have argued for years that the federal government has only a limited role in public education.

5.   He also rejected a proposal by City Council Speaker Peter Vallone to continue the personal income-tax surcharge in order to repair crumbling school buildings.

6.   He has a reputation as a brash and no-nonsense leader who has fixed crumbling schools, raised test scores and implemented cost-effective programs, Santelli said.

7.   Instead, they have asked that financial resources earmarked for remedies like busing be used to address systemic problems like crumbling schools and poorly trained teachers.

8.   Millions more receive substandard education in crumbling schools without enough books, equipment or teachers.

9.   Shafroth nonetheless praised Clinton for correctly assessing a need to fix crumbling schools and attempting to meet it.

10.   The study detailed a detached school board more interested in perks and getting jobs for friends and relatives than in crumbling school buildings and plummeting test scores.

a. + school >>共 828
medical 7.57%
local 4.29%
religious 3.92%
new 3.59%
graduate 3.54%
catholic 2.89%
state 1.68%
the 1.11%
good 1.09%
american 1.08%
crumbling 0.14%
crumbling + n. >>共 260
building 7.13%
wall 5.19%
economy 3.57%
infrastructure 3.40%
school 3.24%
peace 2.59%
city 1.62%
house 1.46%
road 1.46%
brick 1.30%
每页显示:    共 20