1.   Elated with the election victory, the crowd waved banners and chanted.

2.   The crowds waved and cheered him on, the boats bobbing up and down in the estuary.

3.   As spectators gathered to watch, Camaj waved and the crowd waved back.

4.   The crowd waved signs with pictures of hospitalized children and sang protest songs while reporters and bemused travelers looked on.

5.   When the crowd waved olive branches as he left, the pope waved back with his cane.

6.   Outside the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, birthplace of the Russian Revolution, a large crowd waved red flags under a fluttering snowfall.

7.   As announcers at the rally concluded their remarks, the crowd waved a sea of small Cuban paper flags.

8.   As Interior Ministry troops watched, the crowd waved the red flags of the former Soviet Union and black, white and gold Russian nationalist banners.

9.   As the crowd waved palm fronds and olive branches, the pope at the end was driven through the piazza in a white, open-top vehicle.

10.   Crowds waved framed flower-decked portraits of loved ones who perished in the artillery blitz.

n. + wave >>共 287
flag 6.43%
fan 4.53%
man 3.90%
people 3.79%
child 3.48%
crowd 3.27%
demonstrator 3.06%
protester 2.85%
supporter 2.11%
official 2.00%
crowd + v. >>共 814
be 14.88%
gather 5.98%
roar 3.24%
cheer 3.18%
begin 2.46%
go 2.09%
boo 1.70%
disperse 1.59%
give 1.47%
grow 1.36%
wave 0.40%
每页显示:    共 31