1.   Lottery windows and beer halls, grocers and taquerias crowd together along narrow sidewalks.

2.   Millions of others crowd along the Mexican side of the border, where they find low-paying jobs in foreign-owned assembly plants.

3.   Thousands crowded along Pennsyvania Avenue from the streets and sidewalks to the ground floors, mezzanine and rooftop balconies of government office buildings.

4.   The opening stage of the three-day event was canceled because thousands of fans had crowded along the course outside the city of Gerona.

5.   The opening stage was canceled for safety reasons because thousands of fans crowded along the course outside Gerona.

6.   Fans crowded along barricaded streets hoping to see the star were disappointed.

v. + along >>共 1285
pass 9.50%
bring 6.09%
take 3.13%
sing 1.90%
divide 1.84%
get 1.75%
send 1.75%
live 1.61%
help 1.55%
deploy 1.47%
crowd 0.07%
crowd + p. >>共 46
around 31.98%
into 30.52%
in 7.21%
onto 5.07%
on 4.17%
outside 2.59%
at 2.48%
round 1.91%
to 1.13%
as 1.13%
along 0.68%
每页显示:    共 6