1.   Before his Colette-Willy period he had contributed a weekly column of musical criticism to a Bordeaux newspaper.

2.   And ABC executives felt they could use their willingness to stand up to the criticism to advantage with the Letterman side.

3.   And the brothers have not limited their criticism to the festival.

4.   Andersen responded on Saturday by attacking the report as an attempt by the company to shift criticism to others.

5.   As with everything else in American sport today, the mounting complaints about NFL officiating have gone from fair criticism to absurd blather.

6.   At the same time, Plagens took art criticism to task.

7.   Bashir did not limit his criticism to the political system.

8.   But one official who has worked closely with him said the president does not take the criticism to heart.

9.   China responded Wednesday by escalating criticism to a higher echelon of power.

10.   Democrats will be trying to defend a president whose conduct they find distasteful and shift criticism to an independent counsel they will depict as dangerous.

n. + to >>共 1468
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on 1.35%
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