1.   Increase heat to medium and cook until pork is a crisp golden brown.

2.   Once it has rendered a few tablespoons fat, increase the heat to medium and cook until the bacon is a crisp golden brown.

3.   Once it has rendered a few tablespoons of fat, increase the heat to medium and cook until the pork is a crisp golden brown.

4.   Once it has rendered a few tablespoons of fat, increase heat to medium and cook until bacon is crisp golden brown.

5.   Slow cook for several hours, sealing marinated juices inside succulent tender pork, while the skin enclosing it sizzles to a crisp golden brown.

a. + brown >>共 160
golden 36.15%
dark 11.54%
light 6.62%
reddish 3.38%
chocolate 2.46%
deep 2.31%
rich 2.31%
dull 1.38%
pale 1.23%
big 1.08%
crisp 0.77%
crisp + n. >>共 427
shirt 4.81%
pass 2.61%
air 2.40%
crust 1.99%
uniform 1.99%
morning 1.67%
acidity 1.57%
skin 1.36%
salad 1.25%
fall 1.15%
brown 0.52%
每页显示:    共 5