1.   Violent crime has Decreased in the last Decade.

2.   Violent crime has significantly Decreased over the last ten years.

3.   And its prevalence, some say, in part explains why violent crime is decreasing in New York.

4.   As residents took charge, crime decreased dramatically.

5.   According to FBI statistics, crimes committed by juveniles have risen sharply even while overall crime has decreased.

6.   But while crime has decreased, arrests have risen, reflecting the intensified activity in the precinct.

7.   Clinton cited a Department of Education report released Tuesday that showed school crime to be decreasing.

8.   Crime continues to show up in opinion polls as an important concern to voters, although crime is decreasing nationwide.

9.   Drug-gang crimes would decrease only if drugs could be bought almost everywhere by grown-ups and kids, wiping out all black markets.

10.   Fagan has also concluded that crime is decreasing as heroin slowly replaces crack as the drug of choice in New York.

n. + decrease >>共 371
number 3.64%
crime 3.25%
rate 2.99%
violence 2.73%
price 2.47%
population 1.95%
level 1.82%
cost 1.56%
production 1.43%
pressure 1.17%
crime + v. >>共 346
be 45.33%
occur 3.00%
rise 2.58%
take 2.38%
go 2.05%
increase 1.98%
become 1.91%
fall 1.82%
drop 1.62%
have 1.55%
decrease 0.83%
每页显示:    共 25