1.   Snapper fillet is hard-seared at the edges, a brilliant contrast with the creamy flesh.

2.   The charming palette of summer colors spans the spectrum from the creamy white flesh of the honeydew to the brassy firecracker red of the watermelon.

3.   The charming palette of summer colors spans the spectrum, from the creamy white flesh of the honeydew to the brassy firecracker red of the watermelon.

4.   Puerile bawled as my finger nails bit into its creamy flesh, drawing blood.

a. + flesh >>共 251
human 14.94%
rotting 5.65%
burning 3.23%
white 2.83%
burned 2.42%
soft 2.29%
decaying 1.88%
dead 1.75%
red 1.75%
pink 1.62%
creamy 0.54%
creamy + n. >>共 260
texture 6.72%
white 4.07%
potato 3.67%
sauce 2.85%
consistency 2.24%
leather 2.04%
soup 2.04%
head 1.83%
dressing 1.83%
cheese 1.63%
flesh 0.81%
每页显示:    共 4