1.   She paused and I could hear her brain cells creaking into action as she reached out a hand covered in enough costume jewellery to make a decent knuckle-duster.

2.   But it takes a while for the elements of the film to creak into position for this anarchic explosion.

3.   One player creaks into an upright position and declares himself reasonably fit.

4.   Soon, the Cyclone was creaking up into the sunshine, carrying one passenger.

v. + into >>共 884
crash 4.56%
step 2.82%
slam 2.67%
fit 2.35%
continue 2.07%
evolve 2.00%
allow 1.96%
flee 1.82%
venture 1.71%
buy 1.71%
creak 0%
creak + p. >>共 22
under 21.84%
in 17.24%
like 9.20%
to 8.05%
on 6.90%
at 4.60%
into 4.60%
along 3.45%
as 3.45%
beneath 3.45%
每页显示:    共 4