1.   The crash has prompted calls for a clampdown on speeding motorists using the alleyways in the Corporation Road area.

2.   An air crash typically prompts widespread defection of passengers to other airlines for three days to three weeks.

3.   That crash prompted the Dayton Police Departments request for medical certification, said department spokesman Sgt. Gary Tipton..

4.   The crash prompted the Air Force Air Combat Command to suspend all training flights Monday for a day of safety instruction.

5.   The ruble crash prompted the much criticized Central Bank president Sergei Dubinin to submit his resignation.

6.   The ValuJet crash may prompt some consumers to worry more about the age of fleets and the little-known name of a fledgling carrier.

7.   Deadly crashes also have prompted some city governments and individuals to take matters into their own hands.

8.   The crashes prompted presidential aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky to urge the military to maintain the aging fleet better.

9.   The plane crash prompted a review of White House security and calls that Pennsylvania Avenue be closed off to traffic and the public to ensure the safety of president.

10.   The crash prompted directives from the Federal Aviation Administration ordering corrections to the propellers.

n. + prompt >>共 1135
attack 2.43%
incident 2.36%
move 2.23%
report 2.17%
case 1.78%
concern 1.49%
decision 1.36%
death 1.15%
announcement 0.97%
violence 0.95%
crash 0.24%
crash + v. >>共 210
be 30.72%
occur 17.20%
happen 5.42%
kill 3.55%
come 3.18%
take 1.99%
result 1.87%
leave 1.81%
appear 1.43%
cause 1.37%
prompt 0.69%
每页显示:    共 11