1.   It also forced an awareness of the competitive challenges posed by life outside the cozy confines of farm and family.

2.   And yet these very same travelers abandon all care once inside the cozy confines of a refitted Air Force jetliner.

3.   Doubleday Field is small, perhaps one-fifth the size of The Ballpark in Arlington, and its cozy confines are perfect for optimum viewing.

4.   People viewed the game from the tents, the way fans watch golf or tennis from cozy confines.

5.   So not many people beyond the cozy confines of Spaulding Field know he is arguably the best athlete to grace UCLA since Jackie Joyner-Kersee.

6.   So in the cozy confines of a Stubbs opening, you can sometimes have a bourbon slushy or a gin and tonic or a vodka straight up.

7.   Somehow, in the cozy confines of Fenway Park, holding a lead is never as easy as would seem logical.

8.   That can be dangerous in the cozy confines of Tiger Stadium.

9.   When teams leave the cozy confines of their home rinks, they preach the simple game, the smart move, the safe play.

10.   In the cozy confines of the Gulf, U.S. and Iranian warships and aircraft occasionally encounter one another.

a. + confine >>共 101
narrow 11.11%
friendly 6.35%
cozy 5.29%
cramped 4.76%
safe 3.70%
tight 3.70%
comfortable 2.12%
crowded 2.12%
close 2.12%
traditional 1.59%
cozy + n. >>共 285
relationship 11.76%
relation 3.27%
tie 2.94%
arrangement 2.29%
atmosphere 1.96%
home 1.80%
confine 1.63%
room 1.47%
place 1.31%
fire 1.14%
每页显示:    共 10