1.   Tightly wrap or store in covered containers all cooked meat, poultry, and fish and shellfish and refrigerate them promptly.

2.   Allow them to cool and store in a tightly covered container or sealed plastic storage bag.

3.   Alternatively, you can mix batter the night before, pour it into a covered container and allow it to rise in refrigerator.

4.   As with cooking en papillote, the ingredients, all quick cooking, essentially steam in their own juices in the tightly covered container.

5.   Allow the mixture to cool, then transfer to a covered container.

6.   Combine the fruit in one covered container, the lettuce in another.

7.   Cool on a rack, and store in a tightly covered container.

8.   Cool on a rack, then store, if necessary, in a covered container.

9.   Cool chickpeas and liquid to room temperature, then store in separate covered containers in the refrigerator.

10.   I transferred it to a covered container, and after a few hours in the refrigerator freezer it was quite hard.

a. + container >>共 475
plastic 13.05%
airtight 8.62%
shipping 7.27%
large 4.05%
metal 3.37%
sealed 2.36%
open 2.36%
empty 2.22%
small 2.17%
covered 2.07%
covered + n. >>共 244
container 7.57%
walkway 3.87%
dish 3.35%
jar 2.82%
porch 2.64%
bin 2.64%
grill 2.29%
pot 2.29%
market 2.29%
body 2.11%
每页显示:    共 43