1.   Most covered the hips.

2.   Other women might opt for a tunic that covers the hips.

3.   Sandra Newson, for example, found out her congenitally dislocated hip was not covered under the policy offered at Simmons.

4.   She wears a conch shell around her neck and calf-skins to cover her hips.

5.   They may be just hipbone length or long enough to cover the hips, and they may have a narrow belt to accentuate the waist.

6.   This short-sleeve, fitted jacket, which covers the hips, is a wearable style for a range of body types.

7.   Silky gray or ecru pantsuits were straight in the leg, with semi-fitted blazer-style jackets that covered the hip.

v. + hip >>共 128
break 13.49%
injure 7.14%
replace 5.03%
wiggle 3.97%
shake 3.44%
dislocate 3.17%
swivel 3.17%
fracture 2.65%
hurt 2.38%
sway 2.12%
cover 1.85%
cover + n. >>共 1321
cost 5.58%
face 2.56%
area 2.27%
head 1.61%
loss 1.60%
wall 1.50%
expense 1.39%
event 1.08%
body 1.06%
ground 1.06%
hip 0.04%
每页显示:    共 7