1.   It is easy to mould and form into any shape, and is used in large sheets for covering cakes as well as for making edible decorations and objects.

2.   Royal icing is used when a harder icing is needed, for covering cakes, securing items and for delicate piping work.

3.   If you are using the marzipan to cover a cake, remember that the cake will then need to be left to dry out thoroughly before covering with icing.

4.   It is mainly used for modelling, but can also be used for covering cakes.

5.   Covering a cake with marzipan gives a smooth, even base for icing as well as added flavour interest.

6.   Use to cover the cake, smoothing around the sides and over the cake drum.

7.   Cover the cake with the appropriate pieces of red fondant, smoothing into the angle on the front.

8.   Because the cake is covered in buttercream it will not keep so long as cakes made with fondant, so eat it fairly soon after it is made.

9.   Cut out four long strips and use to cover the cake drum around the cake, securing on with a little royal icing and trimming to fit.

v. + cake >>共 232
have 6.69%
bake 5.72%
cut 5.72%
eat 5.04%
make 4.66%
remove 3.69%
take 3.59%
invert 2.52%
serve 2.33%
place 2.04%
cover 2.04%
cover + n. >>共 1321
cost 5.58%
face 2.56%
area 2.27%
head 1.61%
loss 1.60%
wall 1.50%
expense 1.39%
event 1.08%
body 1.06%
ground 1.06%
cake 0.13%
每页显示:    共 21