1.   Civil courts have split on whether schools can be held liable for peer harassment.

2.   Courts have split on the issue, depending on the details of each case.

3.   State supreme courts have split on the constitutionality of voucher programs that include the option of tuition for religious schools.

4.   The court itself split along political lines.

5.   The issue of taxing punitive damages has hinged on differing interpretations of federal tax law, with federal appeals courts split on the issue.

6.   The lower federal courts have split on the question.

7.   Though courts have split evenly in their decisions, experts say the trend is decidedly against local taxing and in favor of equalization.

8.   Appeals courts have split on the issue.

9.   Federal appeals courts have split on that issue, however.

10.   Federal appeals courts had split on the issue.

n. + split >>共 591
team 5.80%
company 4.04%
party 3.26%
group 3.06%
issue 1.89%
candidate 1.76%
family 1.76%
two 1.56%
side 1.56%
couple 1.37%
court 0.91%
court + v. >>共 467
rule 8.88%
say 7.74%
be 5.61%
order 4.02%
have 3.53%
find 2.67%
decide 2.48%
reject 2.43%
hear 2.38%
uphold 2.34%
split 0.06%
每页显示:    共 14