1.   But many also say that depending on court findings as to how the law is observed and its legislative history, it could very well pass constitutional muster.

2.   Cass said Microsoft was also challenging court findings of improper pricing of its products and a pattern of behavior that constituted a monopoly.

3.   Lance would not comment for this story, but had said in court findings that Lewis committed misconduct in the courtroom.

4.   The danger of crippling court findings is distant anyway.

5.   The high court overruled an appeals court finding that would have automatically barred many patent holders who have amended their applications from suing their imitators.

6.   The suit also cites the two court findings against Lewis, one by Lance and another by District Judge Robert Stem, of neighboring Falls County.

7.   Two federal courts and the U.S. House Judiciary Committee found that Justice officials stole Promis, although the court findings were overturned on jurisdictional grounds.

8.   Safwan Aid was released from investigative custody Tuesday after the court said new findings by outside experts had raised questions about some of the evidence against him.

9.   That decision was overturned, and the latest litigation involves another appeals court finding that the Army did nothing wrong.

10.   The appeals bench found the attackers guilty of attempted murder, thus overturning a lower court finding that absolved the attackers.

n. + finding >>共 181
research 17.30%
autopsy 4.18%
survey 3.80%
poll 3.61%
court 3.04%
trouble 3.04%
time 2.66%
police 2.09%
study 1.90%
commission 1.90%
court + n. >>共 465
ruling 8.72%
decision 5.87%
case 5.73%
hearing 4.47%
appearance 4.32%
official 4.26%
document 4.07%
paper 3.70%
record 3.12%
battle 2.73%
finding 0.09%
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