1.   After examining such evidence, the Oregon court agreed with the teacher that the contract was not divisible into two parts.

2.   The court agreed and approved the video hookup.

3.   The federal appeals court agreed with him, saying that the White House demand for secrecy would lead to abuses.

4.   Along with the Maine case, the court has agreed to decide three other states-rights issues within the next year.

5.   American courts have generally agreed that the law applies to ship owners with substantial business interests in the United States, a definition that covers the major cruise lines.

6.   An appeals court agreed, and ordered a new trial.

7.   An appeals court later agreed and removed him.

8.   An appeals court later agreed, and removed Brautigam.

9.   And appeals courts have agreed in several recent cases.

10.   And I am hopeful that the courts will agree with us.

n. + agree >>共 541
side 9.59%
government 5.02%
leader 4.12%
official 3.69%
expert 3.40%
company 3.29%
party 2.94%
analyst 2.62%
country 2.60%
minister 1.82%
court 1.55%
court + v. >>共 467
rule 8.88%
say 7.74%
be 5.61%
order 4.02%
have 3.53%
find 2.67%
decide 2.48%
reject 2.43%
hear 2.38%
uphold 2.34%
agree 1.48%
每页显示:    共 318