1.   Some students might want to pursue a combination of high school and community-college course work.

2.   Teachers need a reasonable amount of time to prepare course work.

3.   There simply is no replacement for a rigorous, carefully planned sequence of academic course work.

4.   When these aids are properly integrated into the course work they give a unique dimension to teaching.

5.   When other people are finished and having fun is most likely the time when online students do their course work.

6.   The department offers a postgraduate Diploma in Physics, consisting of advanced course work as well as postgraduate research for MPhil and PhD degrees.

7.   In the first two years a third of the course work is in economics.

8.   It has been vital to let these colleagues know what will be required of students in the additional assessment, so that they can plan their course work accordingly.

9.   We all set Fridays aside for preparation, which means that we can collaborate closely on course work.

10.   Satisfactory performance in this course work will be a condition of up-grading from probationary to full research status at the end of the first year of study.

n. + work >>共 1751
construction 4.94%
police 2.89%
repair 2.89%
rescue 2.52%
maintenance 2.13%
charity 2.04%
relief 1.48%
restoration 1.30%
government 1.14%
community 1.12%
course 0.90%
course + n. >>共 321
record 10.15%
work 7.61%
material 3.76%
load 3.29%
condition 3.20%
management 2.82%
correction 2.63%
change 2.26%
designer 1.97%
content 1.97%
每页显示:    共 80