1.   The training course covers all aspects of business.

2.   The course covers three main subject areas.

3.   These courses cover a twelve-week period and are organised into three four-week modules.

4.   These courses cover the core areas of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, as well as specialisms such as Labour, Industrial Planning and Natural Resource Economics.

5.   This course covers theoretical aspects of clinical psychology, practical experience in a variety of clinical settings, and research training.

6.   Courses may cover general, quantitative and developmental aspects of the subjects and includes lectures, seminars and laboratory work.

7.   The base courses cover GIS principles, including relational database methods and elements of spatial analysis.

8.   Two third-year courses then cover the fundamentals of microbiology and virology in one course and aspects of applied microbiology and biochemistry in another.

9.   While psychology is mainly concerned with ordinary people, the course also covers aspects of psychological disorder, including brain damage, genetic defects, and mental illness.

10.   Within the Geography component of the degree, the first-year foundation course covers the major global issues of population, environment and resources.

n. + cover >>共 1663
insurance 3.06%
agreement 2.80%
weather 2.01%
plan 1.66%
law 1.47%
air 1.45%
cloud 1.44%
talk 1.34%
condition 1.22%
patent 1.08%
course 0.48%
course + v. >>共 356
be 43.73%
have 3.60%
include 2.90%
play 2.04%
cover 1.39%
start 0.98%
take 0.98%
give 0.94%
seem 0.94%
run 0.90%
每页显示:    共 34