1.   She agreed and the couple have now settled in Dundee.

2.   After the war, the couple settled in Buffalo, N.Y.

3.   After Aphrodite bribed Paris by making the beautiful Helen love him, the happy couple settled in Troy.

4.   Even in just four years, couples can settle into a familiarity that is undermining to their mutual sexual enjoyment.

5.   Eventually the couple settled for a space in their basement, where guests can drive the cars.

6.   For Ms. Wyner, the concert has become a statement of commitment to the Boston musical community, where the peripatetic couple settled four years ago.

7.   Later, as the couple settled in Great Britain, Folse says she saw how dependency on public assistance can destroy people and how socialized medicine can kill.

8.   The couple eventually settled in Falmouth, Maine, and had five children.

9.   The couple had settled there years before, after moving from Kansas City.

10.   The couple settled in California.

n. + settle >>共 805
dust 7.01%
company 5.44%
family 2.86%
side 2.62%
future 1.85%
government 1.53%
party 1.33%
agreement 1.17%
firm 1.13%
people 1.05%
couple 1.05%
couple + v. >>共 1012
be 13.88%
have 9.18%
say 2.86%
live 2.28%
go 1.75%
meet 1.69%
plan 1.47%
move 1.46%
take 1.42%
decide 1.12%
settle 0.31%
每页显示:    共 26