1.   One problem for any coup plotters was what to do with the Shah if Mossadeq were removed.

2.   September execution of coup plotters and Cabinet reshuffle p.

3.   Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.

4.   Another coup plotter, Naomi Matusow of Westchester, kept her committee chair, but did not receive a lu-lu despite her seniority.

5.   As of late Tuesday, however, there was no evidence that the coup plotters represented anyone but themselves.

6.   At least one coup plotter, army Col. Lucio Gutierrez, was jailed on Saturday.

7.   But on Friday, he joined the coup plotters and on Monday resigned his seat in disgrace.

8.   But the new president, Gustavo Noboa, has asked Congress to approve an amnesty for the coup plotters.

9.   Diya and many of the other alleged coup plotters face the death penalty if they are convicted in secret military trials being conducted by the government.

10.   Even for the coup plotters, once the most vilified men in the country, there were only two years of disgrace.

n. + plotter >>共 13
coup 87.59%
ex-coup 2.07%
pen 2.07%
assassination 1.38%
flatbed 1.38%
army 0.69%
center 0.69%
color 0.69%
group 0.69%
right-wing 0.69%
coup + n. >>共 91
attempt 39.95%
leader 26.41%
plot 9.40%
plotter 7.85%
rumor 2.54%
bid 2.23%
supporter 0.99%
suspect 0.68%
report 0.62%
threat 0.49%
每页显示:    共 126