1.   And a rural county tries to make sense of why two of its own were so violently lost.

2.   And the county tried to cover up the allegations with a monetary settlement and gag order, experts said.

3.   But the county has just tried to patch things over.

4.   Clancy is scheduled to meet with Mariposa County prosecutors later this week to discuss when they will file charges against Stayner and which county will try the case.

5.   Gasoline prices continued to fall on concerns that more counties would try to withdraw from a program mandating a cleaner grade of gasoline.

6.   Other counties have tried to work with the federal government once the experimental designation was proposed.

7.   Programs have disappeared, although Peters said the county has tried to maintain some level of service at each point on the continuum from outpatient consultation to acute services.

8.   Since then, the county has tried to repay creditors by raising the local sales tax, only to see that proposal defeated by local voters.

9.   That pair of suits is currently in front of the state Supreme Court, awaiting a hearing on which county will try the suits.

10.   The county is also trying to make it easier for youths to get scholarships to pay for college or vocational training, Logan said.

n. + try >>共 892
government 5.31%
official 4.29%
company 4.14%
police 3.26%
people 1.95%
authority 1.87%
group 1.56%
investigator 1.56%
team 1.53%
leader 1.35%
county 0.09%
county + v. >>共 436
be 12.48%
have 11.25%
use 2.04%
try 1.52%
plan 1.46%
do 1.46%
say 1.28%
pay 1.17%
begin 1.17%
continue 1.11%
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