1.   Carbon dioxide levels would be limited by a treaty the U.S. and other counties plan to sign in Kyoto, Japan, in December.

2.   Glenn Christenson, senior executive assistant to the county manager, told Bloomberg Business News that the county definitely plans to settle the SEC charges.

3.   He said the county planned to appeal.

4.   However, at least one other official said the county plans to settle.

5.   --Instead of assigning multiple case workers to each child, the county plans to assign one case worker to each child.

6.   Once farmers have the treated water, the county plans to cap the wells and try to reduce the migration of seawater under Castroville.

7.   Palm Beach always has seemed to exist as the if-this, if-that, then-maybe county in stadium plans.

8.   The county also plans to send one machine and butterfly ballot to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

9.   The county planned to ask the judge to either appoint a trustee to run the resort or close it and sell its assets.

10.   The county plans to replace its vulnerable embedded chips but has as yet to devise a comprehensive testing strategy.

n. + plan >>共 778
company 13.03%
government 9.01%
group 4.23%
official 4.06%
authority 1.79%
leader 1.51%
team 1.28%
police 1.18%
agency 1.16%
president 1.13%
county 0.15%
county + v. >>共 436
be 12.48%
have 11.25%
use 2.04%
try 1.52%
plan 1.46%
do 1.46%
say 1.28%
pay 1.17%
begin 1.17%
continue 1.11%
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