1.   As we consider national health reform, rural counties must get what they need to provide high quality care.

2.   A retirement center has opened in town, and the county got a state grant a few years ago to market itself as a paradise for quail hunters.

3.   Cobb and DeKalb counties would each get an additional site.

4.   Did the county get a buy on signs nobody else wanted?

5.   It is uncertain, however, where the eight counties would get the money to pay for the equipment and when it would be in operation.

6.   Lapolla blamed the Port Authority for failing to insure that the county got the rail access it was offered.

7.   Meeker said her department will require the county to get a pollution permit, which she hopes the DEP could issue in a few months.

8.   So if each business would create one new job, the county could get every welfare recipient off the rolls.

9.   The county could get some breathing time if the state Legislature approves a plan to raise the tax on property transfers.

10.   Under their plan, forest counties would get a fixed payment for the next five years while the government works with local communities to develop a permanent solution.

n. + get >>共 1428
thing 4.33%
people 3.16%
company 1.69%
team 1.33%
player 1.31%
investor 1.17%
child 1.12%
man 0.90%
woman 0.83%
kid 0.81%
county 0.04%
county + v. >>共 436
be 12.48%
have 11.25%
use 2.04%
try 1.52%
plan 1.46%
do 1.46%
say 1.28%
pay 1.17%
begin 1.17%
continue 1.11%
get 0.93%
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