1.   Clinton would get all the blame if the country sank into a recession and revived the middle-class fears about job insecurity that plagued the Bush administration.

2.   He long extolled the superiority of Japanese economic institutions, even as his country sank into a decade-long hibernation.

3.   High rates of inflation like those in Indonesia, a result of higher prices for imports, can foreshadow deflation as countries sink into depression.

4.   I think my country sinks beneath the yoke,

5.   Monday, instead of brooding over whether or not their country was sinking into fascism, Austrian politicians and commentators analyzed the mistakes each party had made.

6.   Mugabe has pulled out all the stops in his effort to win re-election, and the country has sunk into an intensifying cycle of resistance and repression.

7.   The country sank into something close to civil war.

8.   The country sank deeper into conflict and eventually into multifaction civil war.

9.   As their country sinks deeper into political crisis, worried Peruvians are trying to understand what is happening.

10.   As the country sank into anarchy in March, angry crowds looted state armories and carted away hundreds of thousands of weapons.

n. + sink >>共 624
ship 8.77%
boat 7.91%
price 4.26%
heart 4.21%
stock 3.40%
vessel 2.97%
ferry 2.49%
sun 1.72%
economy 1.46%
future 1.16%
country 0.77%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
sink 0.07%
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