1.   Unfortunately, for bankers assessing country risk, this ratio has two major deficiencies.

2.   But as Ethiopia begins to divert water from the Nile for a burgeoning population, the two countries risk coming into conflict over a resource as indispensable as air.

3.   Critics of the bill said the country risks falling into another debt crisis if the ceiling is raised.

4.   Even so, ADRs possess all of the other problems associated with buying a foreign stock, including exposure to currency risk and country risk.

5.   On the issue of country risk, though, investors are more inclined to see a possible problem.

6.   People are comfortable with country risk again.

7.   The decline underscores a troubling fact -- investors in Italy and companies listed in Milan still face a daunting country risk.

8.   The investment return criteria depended on the country risk, he said.

9.   This week, the sense that the country risks slipping into anarchy has been felt with particular acuteness in Moscow, once the privileged headquarters of the Soviet bloc.

10.   While partisan politicians ignore the warnings of independent scientists, the country risks provoking a new nuclear arms race encompassing China, India, and Pakistan.

n. + risk >>共 475
health 24.63%
cancer 7.58%
credit 5.49%
flight 4.07%
currency 3.95%
safety 3.83%
investment 2.84%
inflation 2.45%
downside 1.89%
market 1.86%
country 0.67%
country + n. >>共 1170
road 5.86%
house 4.32%
home 4.30%
residence 2.77%
estate 1.61%
star 1.57%
lane 1.43%
boy 1.39%
life 1.21%
song 1.05%
risk 0.38%
每页显示:    共 17